I’m a physician focused on helping patients achieve optimal health and longer healthspan through preventive medicine and lifestyle changes.

Core Philosophy

– Health requires daily conscious awareness and proactive maintenance
– Most healthcare is self-care
– Healthspan (years without chronic disease) is as important as lifespan
– Prevention is better than treatment
– Lifestyle changes are key to lasting health improvements

 Key Areas of Focus

Sleep Optimization (7-9 hours/night)

– Maintains body homeostasis
– Strengthens immune system
– Requires good sleep hygiene

Physical Activity

– Regular exercise is essential for health
– Customized to individual needs


– Diet significantly impacts overall wellbeing
– Focus on healthy eating patterns

My Approach

1. Comprehensive health assessment
2. Evaluate current health status through:
– Physical examination
– Lab work when needed
– Imaging if required
– ECG as appropriate
3. Address lifestyle factors at every visit
4. Develop personalized health strategies

Patient Self-Assessment Questions

1. Am I truly healthy? How do I know?
2. What aspects of my health need attention?
3. How can I improve my physical and emotional wellbeing?


Remember: Many chronic health issues stem from lifestyle choices. Making conscious daily investments in your health – like contributing to a retirement plan – leads to long-term benefits.